الاصدار الأخير من البرنامج الرائع BS.Player 2.56 Build 1043 لتشغيل صيغ الملتيمديا المختلفة بكفائة

BS.Player Free 2.56 Build 1043 Final
BS.Player Pro 2.56 Build 1043 Final

التعريف بالبرنامج

برنامج مشغل افلام BS Player لتشغيل الافلام المرئية الفيديو و يدعم حزم الكودك لتشغيل المصادر المتعددة ويدعم جميع صيغ الفيديو المشهوره , ويدعم خصائص ادراج الترجمة مع الفيديو .
BS.Player - the best multimedia player (DivX, HD and AVC video, movie, audio, DVD, YouTube) in the world! Ever since the very beginning in the year 2000, the BS.Player™ has been one of the world's most popular multimedia players. It is popular for many reasons, one however should be pointed out: BS.Player™ is the first player ever to enable its users to focus on watching the movie instead of dealing with poor computer capabilities or running around looking for a proper setting and codec. BS.Player ™ is used by more than 70 millions of multi media users throughout the world and it has been translated into more than 90 world languages. All downloaded versions of our FREE version exceed the sum of all downloads of competitive media players and payable DivX or DVD players. Because it does not use much of the CPU processing resources for multimedia playback it is suitable for all those who use slightly less capable computers
تحميل البرنامج

أولا : BS.Player Free 2.56 Build 1043 Final
ثانيا : BS.Player Pro 2.56 Build 1043 Final

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